The JACS (Jackie’s Athletic Conditioning System) program is an 8-week progressive hardstyle kettlebell training program. Gain strength and stamina in this short, high-result program designed to help you reach new fitness goals:
Who: Beginner, intermediate and advanced participants
Frequency: Three times a week.
Where: Live or online.
Next session: Mar 10th, 2025
Program breakdown:
Endurance phase (weeks 1 to 3) - Building your base of strength or recuperation phase. Exercises to gain stamina and core strength. For new participants, introduction to new exercises, terminology and technique. Single-kettlebell exercises in unison.
Strength phase (weeks 4 to 6) - Single and double-kettlebell exercises. Progression of exercises.
Explosive power phase (weeks 7 to 8) - Mastering kettlebell technique. Regressions and progressions of previously introduced exercises. Core and bodyweight exercises. Combinations of previous exercises.
A question I often get asked Is
“I have done the 8 week program, what’s next?
Kettlebell training exercises are very technical in nature. Once you have completed your 1st 8 week session you will have only learned a portion of the 75-80 exercises that are used in the kettlebell training repertoire. The 8 week program is designed to help you set new goals and attain new personal records each time you start a new session.
Program levels of kettlebell experience:
Introductory kettlebell technique and terminology - grip, use of hips, swings etc..
Participants in this entry level class are typically new to kettlebell training and will learn to handle the kettlebell which seems very much like a foreign object at first. They will also learn the basics of kettlebell lifting technique which includes proper terminology, proper grip for different exercises and the proper use of the hips to execute a russian swing or any other type of kettlebell exercise that requires a swing. Participants can feel comfortable asking questions, taking breaks as needed and taking their time to master a given kettlebell exercise.
Variations from basics. Moderate to high intensity
Participants in this class have mastered the basics of the kettlebell swing and can now comfortably do variations such as single arm swings, alternating swings, short and long lever swings alike. They will also have a good knowledge of the terminology used to describe a kettlebell exercise.
Advanced exercises, complex patterns and high intensity.
Participants in this level have extensive kettlebell training experience and are able to correctly execute most kettlebell exercises and/or any variations thereof. They are comfortable with complex patterns and are at a stage where they have the physical and mental fortitude required to complete the demanding drills presented to them in a kettlebell class.
Our other classes:
These classes are included in the JACS membership
The glutes are the largest muscle group in the body but for most people, it is the weakest. Many health issues are the direct result of this weakness such as lower back pain, knee pain, poor posture, poor alignment when walking, running, squatting, lunging, just to name a few. These issues get exponentially worse with age if they remain unaddressed. In this class, you will do targeted glute exercises to strengthen and activate the glutes which are the driving force in the kettlebell swing. The stronger your glutes are, the better your kettlebell swings will be!
Our upper body is weaker than our lower body by the simple fact that we use it less in daily life compared to the lower body. This is also evident in kettlebell training classes. In this class, you will perform traditional strength training exercises for the upper body that will help strengthen the arms and shoulders and give you the extra help required when performing an overhead kettlebell exercise.
Our core links our upper body to the lower body. The muscles that comprise the core help us stay upright and move in multi-dimensional planes without collapsing.. When the core is weak, our ability to move freely is greatly diminished and injuries may result. In this class, you will do targeted core exercises to strengthen the core which will in turn correct posture and greatly reduce chances of injury.
New participants quickly discover that a kettlebell training workout is not only an intense strength workout but also a very cardiovascular one. The High Intensity Interval Training class incorporates several 30 second bouts of high intensity movements that greatly increase the heart rate to 80% or more of one’s maximum heart rate followed by a short period of rest. This type of training is greatly encouraged in the JACS program as it greatly improves one’s stamina in a kettlebell training class.
2023 season start date to be announced shortly